Sinarmas Cepsa Pte. Ltd. is the headquarters and marketing office of the joint venture.
Sinarmas Cepsa Pte. Ltd. is the headquarters and marketing office of the joint venture.
PT Energi Sejahtera Mas (PT-ESM) is one of the largest fatty alcohol plants in the world, which also produces basic oleochemicals from palm oil and palm kernel oil (PKO).
The plant, which is strategically located in Lubuk Gaung (Dumai, Indonesien), has direct access to raw materials so guarantees a continuous supply. Designed with the latest state of the art technology for fatty alcohol production, it is also able to produce all its necessary utilities while managing its waste in the same site. In terms of logistics, we strive to offer best-in-class service as we manage and operate our own jetty connected to the plant for bulk and container shipments.
PT-ESM complies with the national environmental & social legislation, as reflected in our Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA or AMDAL in Indonesia), that was granted in 2013. If you want further information, please contact us.
In conclusion, the self-sufficient plant enables us to guarantee a reliable supply of fatty alcohols to our customers around the globe.
Sinarmas Cepsa Deutschland GmbH er datterselskabet ansvarlig for produktion og markedsføring af fedtalkoholer og dets derivater i EMEA-regionen.
På det ikoniske sted Genthin (Tyskland), som har tæt på 100 års historie inden for overfladeaktive stoffer, Sinarmas Cepsa Deutschland GmbH købte en sulfaterings- og sulfoneringsenhed i verdensklasse, der er i stand til at producere fedtalkoholbaserede overfladeaktive stoffer samt lineær alkylbenzensulfonsyre.
Anlægget er designet med den nyeste teknologi baseret på en kontinuerlig luft/SO3 sulfaterings-/sulfoneringsproces, der garanterer, at dets produkter opfylder de strengeste standarder, der kræves af husholdnings- og personlig plejeindustrien for anioniske overfladeaktive stoffer.
Information til offentligheden i henhold til pkt 11 i bekendtgørelsen om farlige stoffer (§ 11 større hændelsesforordningen) kan findes her [Tysk udgave]