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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam nibh. Nunc varius facilisis eros. Sed erat. In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet. Curabitur adipiscing luctus massa. Integer ut purus ac augue commodo commodo. Nunc nec mi eu justo tempor consectetuer. Etiam vitae nisl. In dignissim lacus ut ante. Cras elit lectus, bibendum a, adipiscing … Continued


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam nibh. Nunc varius facilisis eros. Sed erat. In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet. Curabitur adipiscing luctus massa. Integer ut purus ac augue commodo commodo. Nunc nec mi eu justo tempor consectetuer. Etiam vitae nisl. In dignissim lacus ut ante. Cras elit lectus, bibendum a, adipiscing vitae, commodo et, dui. Ut tincidunt tortor. Donec nonummy, enim in lacinia pulvinar, velit tellus scelerisque augue, ac posuere libero urna eget neque. Cras ipsum. Vestibulum pretium, lectus nec venenatis volutpat, purus lectus ultrices risus, a condimentum risus mi et quam. Pellentesque auctor fringilla neque. Duis eu massa ut lorem iaculis vestibulum. Maecenas facilisis elit sed justo. Quisque volutpat malesuada velit.

Nunc at velit quis lectus nonummy eleifend. Curabitur eros. Aenean ligula dolor, gravida auctor, auctor et, suscipit in, erat. Sed malesuada, enim ut congue pharetra, massa elit convallis pede, ornare scelerisque libero neque ut neque. In at libero. Curabitur molestie. Sed vel neque. Proin et dolor ac ipsum elementum malesuada. Praesent id orci. Donec hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean sit amet arcu a turpis posuere pretium.

Nulla mauris odio, vehicula in, condimentum sit amet, tempus id, metus. Donec at nisi sit amet felis blandit posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras lobortis orci in quam porttitor cursus. Aenean dignissim. Curabitur facilisis sem at nisi laoreet placerat. Duis sed ipsum ac nibh mattis feugiat. Proin sed purus. Vivamus lectus ipsum, rhoncus sed, scelerisque sit amet, ultrices in, dolor. Aliquam vel magna non nunc ornare bibendum. Sed libero. Maecenas at est. Vivamus ornare, felis et luctus dapibus, lacus leo convallis diam, eget dapibus augue arcu eget arcu.

Fusce auctor, metus eu ultricies vulputate, sapien nibh faucibus ligula, eget sollicitudin augue risus et dolor. Aenean pellentesque, tortor in cursus mattis, ante diam malesuada ligula, ac vestibulum neque turpis ut enim. Cras ornare. Proin ac nisi. Praesent laoreet ante tempor urna. In imperdiet. Nam ut metus et orci fermentum nonummy. Cras vel nunc. Donec feugiat neque eget purus. Quisque rhoncus. Phasellus tempus massa aliquet urna. Integer fringilla quam eget dolor. Curabitur mattis. Aliquam ac lacus. In congue, odio ut tristique adipiscing, diam leo fermentum ipsum, nec sollicitudin dui quam et tortor. Proin id neque ac pede egestas lacinia. Curabitur non odio.

Nullam porta urna quis mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec scelerisque quam vitae est. Aenean vitae diam at erat pellentesque condimentum. Duis pulvinar nisl sed orci. Vivamus turpis nisi, volutpat in, placerat et, pharetra nec, eros. Suspendisse tellus metus, sodales non, venenatis a, ultrices auctor, erat. In ut leo nec elit mattis pellentesque. Sed eros elit, cursus accumsan, sollicitudin a, iaculis quis, diam. Pellentesque fermentum, pede a nonummy varius, ligula velit laoreet erat, et lacinia nibh nulla sit amet nunc. Suspendisse at turpis quis augue pellentesque pretium. Nunc condimentum elit semper felis.

Fatty Acids & Glycerine

Fatty Acids are carboxylic acids with a long aliphatic chain, usually from 8 to 18 even number carbon atoms in the molecule, either saturated or unsaturated.

Glycerine (or Glicerin) is a colorless, odorless and non-toxic viscous liquid widely used in the food industry as sweetener as well as in pharmaceutical formulations. Due to it’s polyol nature (contains three hydroxyl groups) have a good water solubility.



Substance Name


Sinar-FA 0899 Octanoic acid Caprylic Acid
Sinar-FA 0810 Blend of Octanoic acid, Decanoic acid Caprylic-Capric Acid
Sinar-FA 1099 Decanoic acid Capric Acid
Sinar-FA 1865 Octadecanoic acid (65%) Stearic Acid (65%)
Sinar-OL 75 Cis-9-Octadecenoic acid (75%) Oleic Acid (75%)



Substance Name


Sinar-GLUSP Glycerol Glycerin


Anionic Surfactants: CepSinol®-es | CepSinol®-s

Sinar Mas Cepsa’s Anionic Surfactants portfolio comprises Fatty Alcohols Ether Sulfates (CepSinol®-es) and Fatty Alcohols Sulfates (CepSinol®-s), produced by the Sulfation of the corresponding Fatty Alcohol Ethoxylate or Fatty Alcohol with a continuous air/SO3 mixture in state of the art reactors, that guarantee the highest product quality.

Fatty Alcohols Ether Sulfates:

CepSinol®-es surfactants shows high surface activity, high foam ability, good viscosity response, low irritation property and excellent hard-water resistance. It is readily biodegradable and are used as primary surfactants in cosmetic and personal care products such as shampoos, shower gels, liquid hand soap, among others. It is also widely used in household products, such as, laundry detergents, dishwashing liquids and cleaners. It can be easily formulated with other surfactants and it provides a good synergistic effect.


Substance Name


CepSinol®-es 1214/2S (70) Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated, sulfates, sodium salts Sodium Laureth Sulfate
CepSinol®-es 1216/2S (70) Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated, sulfates, sodium salts Sodium Laureth Sulfate
CepSinol®-es 1216/2S (70) LD Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated, sulfates, sodium salts Sodium Laureth Sulfate
CepSinol®-es 1216/2S (27) HP LD Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated, sulfates, sodium salts Sodium Laureth Sulfate


Fatty Alcohols Sulfates:

CepSinol®-s surfactants are strong cleaning agents that shows high surface activity, good viscosity response, strong wetting power and flash foaming property. It is biodegradable and is used as primary surfactants in household and industrial cleaning applications.  It is also used in personal care products and can be easily formulated with other surfactants.


Substance Name


CepSinol®-s 1216-S (30) HP Sulfuric acid, mono-C12-14-alkyl esters, sodium salts Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Fatty Alcohols Ethoxylates: CepSinol®-e

The ethoxylation of Fatty Alcohols results in mixtures of compounds with different ethylene oxide units in the aliphatic chain.  The product is known by the average moles of ethylene oxide in its molecule.

Generally, Fatty Alcohols with a low ethylene oxide content have low solubility in water and are used mainly in the synthesis of the ethoxy-sulfated alcohols while those having high ethylene oxide content are water soluble, so being used directly as non-ionic surfactants in Laundry detergents, Household cleaners, Industrial & institutional cleaners as well as in agricultural, textile and oil formulations.

CepSinol®-e product portfolio includes the following products:


Substance Name


CepSinol®-e 1214/1 Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated (1EO) Laureth-1
CepSinol®-e 1214/2 Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated (2EO) Laureth-2
CepSinol®-e 1214/3 Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated (3EO) Laureth-3
CepSinol®-e 1214/7 Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated (7EO) Laureth-7
CepSinol®-e 1216/1 Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated (1EO) Laureth-1
CepSinol®-e 1216/2 Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated (2EO) Laureth-2
CepSinol®-e 1216/3 Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated (3EO) Laureth-3
CepSinol®-e 1216/7 Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated (7EO) Laureth-7

We are able to produce any EO condensate in our Fatty Alcohol portfolio.

Fatty Alcohols: CepSinol®

Fatty alcohols are key industrial intermediates that afterwards are easily converted into derivatives that are present in nearly all applications close to us: from Home and Personal Care products, fragrance & flavors, passing through the petroleum industry, metalworking, lubricants, and agricultural chemicals.

CepSinol® product portfolio comprises a vast range of Pure Cuts as well as the most common used blends.

Pure Cut Fatty Alcohols:
Substance Name
CepSinol® P8 1-Octanol Capryl alcohol
CepSinol® P10 1-Decanol Decyl alcohol
CepSinol® P12 1-Dodecanol Lauryl Alcohol
CepSinol® P14 1-Tetradecanol Myristyl Alcohol
CepSinol® P16 1-Hexadecanol Cetyl Alcohol
CepSinol® P18 1-Octadecanol Stearyl Alcohol
Fatty Alcohols Blends:
Substance Name
CepSinol® 810-L Blend of 1-Octanol, 1-Decanol Capryl-Decyl Alcohol
CepSinol® 810-H Blend of 1-Octanol, 1-Decanol Capryl-Decyl Alcohol
CepSinol® 1214 Blend of 1-Dodecanol, 1-Tetradecanol Lauryl-Myristyl Alcohol
CepSinol® 1216 Blend of 1-Dodecanol, 1-Tetradecanol, 1-Hexadecanol Lauryl-Cetyl Alcohol
CepSinol® 1218 Blend of 1-Dodecanol, 1-Tetradecanol, 1-Hexadecanol, 1-Octadecanol Lauryl-Stearyl Alcohol
CepSinol® 1618 Blend of 1-Hexadecanol, 1-Octadecanol Cetyl-Stearyl Alcohol
CepSinol® 1618-L Blend of 1-Hexadecanol, 1-Octadecanol Cetyl-Stearyl Alcohol
CepSinol® 1618-H Blend of 1-Hexadecanol, 1-Octadecanol Cetyl-Stearyl Alcohol

We are able to produce any Fatty Alcohol Blend from our Pure Cuts.